How Often Does Air Conditioning Need To Be Serviced?

Air conditioning is a staple in countries with blisteringly hot summers. Although the UK isn’t really regarded as a hot country, more and more people are installing AC units to help them handle the heat. If you’re considering making an investment in air con, take a look at this guide to get a better understanding of what the maintenance is like.

When Do Air Conditioning Units Need Maintenance?

Most air conditioning systems will show signs that they need some care and attention. If you’re noticing that your unit is louder than usual, it may need to have the filters cleaned. If cleaning the filters doesn’t work, the noise may be being caused by a mechanical fault. When air con units aren’t effectively cooling the room, the coolant may have ran out. If replacing the coolant doesn’t fix that problem, something else could be causing the system to work inefficiently.

To prevent you from finding out that your filters need cleaning or your coolant needs replacing too late, yearly air conditioning maintenance is recommended. Not only will this help you to keep your unit running smoothly, it will also mean that any minor faults can be fixed more quickly and cost effectively than if you were to discover them later down the line.

Do Air Con Units Legally Need Servicing?

The majority of domestic air con units won’t be large enough to dictate that servicing is a legal requirement. All units that contain below three kilograms of coolant don’t fall under the UK air conditioning maintenance laws. However, that doesn’t mean you should ignore servicing.

Larger units will be legally required to seek out air conditioning maintenance every year, six months or three months, depending on how much refrigerant the systems holds.

For Air Con Maintenance, Choose HPSL

If you’ve got an air conditioning unit and would like to schedule a maintenance service, get in touch with our friendly team today. No matter how big or small your system is, we can give it a good clean, top up your coolant and advise what the best maintenance plan is for you.